‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through Warmland
Not a creature was stirring, not a station unmanned
Stockings were donated by generous souls
Brand new ones, dry ones, socks without holes!
The people were nestled, all snug in their beds
Safe from the streets, asleep and well fed
With shelter workers keeping a vigilant eye
On a cold winter night, bright stars in the sky
When out in the courtyard there arose such a clatter
Staff poured out the doorway to see what was the matter?
And there, on the bench, in well-worn red clothes
Was a bearded old man, with a tear on his nose
“You know, he said softly, ‘I’ve had some hard times
Addiction and illness left me just a few dimes
I once drove a sleigh, with a home at ‘The Pole’
With COVID, and struggles, I’ve nowhere to go.’
‘Come into the shelter’, said one of the workers
We’ll find you clean clothes, a warm meal, take a shower
We provide counselling, a nurse, shelter too
Everyone struggles, this is nothing new
Old St. Nick slowly rose to his feet
“I’ll come inside, but just for some heat”
And into the shelter, all of them hurried
Shaking off the cold, to the warm room they scurried
And so jolly St. Nick moved into the Shelter
To get back on his feet, safe from the weather
So be generous and loving, it always feels right
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night
(Our Shelter Elves from left to right - Saige, Melissa, Hailey, Eddie and Carey )
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Anne Marie Thornton published this page in Blog 2021-12-24 16:34:50 -0800